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Respecting and Promoting Human Rights

At Aker Solutions, we take our responsibility to respect human rights seriously.

Our commitment

Aker Solutions respects human and labor rights. We oppose modern slavery in all its forms. We support and respect internationally proclaimed human and labor rights, as defined by the International Bill of Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Fundamental Conventions.

Aker Solutions continues to adhere to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and to be a signatory to the UN Global Compact. We support the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. In addition, we carry out human rights due diligence in our supply chain in compliance with the Norwegian Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven).

The company’s commitment to human and labor rights is covered under the Global Framework agreements between Aker ASA and the Norwegian and international trade unions Fellesforbundet, IndustriALL Global Union, NITO and Tekna.

The complicated nature of human rights requires company-wide coordination, so we established a Human Rights Committee. The Committee’s mandate is to ensure a sound human rights system is in place and improved continuously. The Committee reports to the CEO and the Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. The CEO approves the Committee’s mandate.

Compliance and integrity

To meet our commitments in support of human rights, Aker Solutions has embedded human rights monitoring in a global compliance program managed by our Compliance and Integrity (CI) team and led by the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO). Our global compliance program is risk-based and designed to prevent, detect and respond to compliance and integrity risks — including human rights risks and impacts arising from the company’s activities and business relationships with suppliers and partners.

Our approach

Our approach to addressing human rights is based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct and consists of these key elements:

  • governance & commitment
  • measures to identify negative human rights impacts
  • measures to prevent & mitigate negative human rights impacts

More on our human rights progress and reporting:


The Norwegian Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven)

Aker Solutions has established a process for receiving and managing requests for information pursuant to Section 6 of the Act (Right to information).

Requests for information should be submitted in a dedicated email to