
All oil and gas field will reach the end of their lifecycles. When fields are closed down, oil companies are required to leave the fields with as little trace as possible. This includes removing platforms and other infrastructure, an activity that often is as complex as building and installing the equipment in the first place.
Aker Solutions offers the following decommissioning services:
- Platform preparation for offshore decommissioning including heavy lifts
- Subsea removal: reverse installation and removal of subsea infrastructure
- Onshore demolition, disposal and recycling
The mapping, removal handling and disposal of different waste types is a specialised expertise in the decommissioning process. We also perform this service upstream as part of offshore decommissioning and removal phases.
Safe and Predictable
Aker Solutions has more than 20 years of experience with decommissioning oil fields and has removed 350,000 metric tons of platforms and other infrastructure. We know what rules and regulations governing a safe decommissioning process, and can assess the expected costs.
Our Decommissioning Services
Decommissioning Engineering Services
Our engineering and services cover all phases of a decommissioning project. We know from experience what challenges we may encounter. We can handle the process from initial appraisals through physical removals.
Decommissioning Service Contracts (DSC)
Decommissioning service moves the platform from “hot” to “cold.” The process includes cleaning, hydrocarbon removal, material management and preparing for removal with all the engineering require for those steps.
Cessation Obligations Assessments
Our systematic module and experience allows us to estimate how much it will cost to meet the obligations involved in ceasing production and abandoning a field.
Decommissioning Removal Preparations
Our first removal project was the Odin platform for ExxonMobil back in 1995. We prepared the platform for transport to shore for dismantling and recycling. Since then, we have worked with a variety of platforms and are proficient to prepare for any removal operation.
Decommissioning Project Execution Assistance
We have extensive experience in developing, maintaining and operating complex offshore assets, giving us unique insights into what is required for dismantling. We assist the oil company or the removal contractor in finding the best way forward.